T&P test shoot

What have I done?

ISO and shutter speed test shoot at Rivington Pike, I used a longer shutter speed to blur the dogs motions, and a higher ISO so that i could try and freeze the dogs motion as well, however this was unsuccessful.

What have I got from this?

I am now a bit more comfortable with turning my ISO up as I can see from these pictures that the noise/grain is not noticeable. However I have been unsuccessful in freezing the dogs motions, this is because I did not have enough available natural light and so my shutter speed was quite low, therefore it was unable to freeze the quick action of the dog running. In addition to this, i may have been unsuccessful because my lens is limited at an aperture of f5.6 and therefore I had to compromise on my shutter speed.

What’s next?

Unfortunately having a limited aperture of f5.6 is not something I can change at the minute as I am changing my Nikon for a Canon 760D, so there is no point in purchasing another lens as they are expensive. My other option is to borrow a camera from stores and use the 50mm f1.8 Canon lens, or again take the pictures with more available natural light

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